
About Us

We are Jigsaw Ceilidh band, piecing together some of Cumbria's finest musicians .....

However big or small your event, whether you have one left foot or two, we can guarantee that you will have a fantastic evening to remember.

Weddings, Anniversaries, Community Ceilidhs, parties of any variety.

Playing from as far as the Isle of Lewis to Manchester, St Bees to Penrith, Carlisle to Barrow our musicians love to play and see people have a great time.  Instruments include fiddle, flute, whistle, bouzouki, mandolin, guitar, occasionally the drum and of course a fantastic caller to guide you through the evening!

Gay Gordons, Strip the Willow, Dashing White Sargeant, Cumberland Square Eight to name a few to get you in the mood for a good knees up! 

We look forward to making you smile :)